Thursday, July 28, 2011

Intelligent Dogs

A few days ago Béatrice called me because she discovered a program about "intelligent" dogs on the German/French channel "Arte Entdeckung/Arts et Découvertes".
The program confirmed what I have believed for a long time: dogs are very intelligent sentient beings. The more I communicate with them the more I consider them to be very good teachers for me.

Look at what scientists have been able to discover while observing dogs.

1. Dogs can predict earthquakes up to 4 hours before they happen, because they can feel the faintest vibrations in their paws.

2. Dogs can learn more than 200 different words. Years ago a German client, watching a television program, saw how a dog could recognize dozens of different "toys". She felt inspired and started teaching her dog to do the same. Soon he was able to identify and retrieve dozens of different toys during the many shows I organized all over the province of Alicante.

3. Thanks to the 220 million receptors in their noses (we have only 5 million)dogs can smell the difference between a healthy person and a cancer patient. This enables them to detect cancer cells before they are visible on x-rays pictures.

4. The more we teach a dog in a playful manner the bigger her/his brain will be. Allow me to make the comparison with what Canadian scientists discovered years ago: Canadians who speak two languages are not affected by Alzheimer disease or Dementia (or get it only when much older), compared to Canadians speaking only one language.

5. Dogs are very balanced and centered sentient beings, as long as they are not being abused by unbalanced human beings. Allowing mentally handicapped children to carress and cuddle a balanced and centered dog makes them less nervous and anxious. Allowing ill people to do the same makes them regain their health faster. Strange isn't it that dogs are not allowed access in most hospitals of the Western World?

6. It is a well-known fact that hundreds of millions of dog owners are projecting their own character traits into their dogs. Methinks it is called mimicry in English.
Marketing specialists will use (I might say "abuse")mimicry in order to make us buy more and spend more money for our dogs. But all of you, my enlightened dog walking friends, know of course that buying more things for your dog does NOT make her/him happier. Walking with our dog does it, certainly when we do it with the calm assertive energy of the confident pack leaders we all are.

Our short walks in Campell and Murla are, according to me, an excellent way to spend a lovely evening together.
Let's do the same in Orba where I know a short cut enabling us to walk for 1 hour instead of during 1,5 hour or more.
This coming Sunday 31.07.2011 I will wait for you at the old parking lot of the Orba cemetery till 19.30.

See you there.


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