Tuesday, September 27, 2011

27 September 2011

Today it is Earth Overshoot Day

Based on a concept devised by UK-based new economics foundation, Earth Overshoot Day helps conceptualize the degree to which we are over-budget in our use of nature. While meant as an estimate more than an exact date, Earth Overshoot Day helps conceptualize the size of the gap between a sustainable level of ecological demand and how much is currently required to support human activities globally.

Everything we are going to consume between today and 31.12.2011 will not be replaced by our Mother Earth. All the pollution we produce between today and 31.12.2011 will not be absorbed by Mother Earth.

It literally means we are committing suicide and we are making the life of our children and grandchildren even more unsustainable.

Do not wait.
If we go on living like we do it we need 5 planets like Mother Earth and (you might know this) there is only ONE:

Start today.

There are so many easy things to do : Buy a bicycle, grow your own vegetables, stop eating meat at least most of the time, buy organic food, use public transport, sell one of your cars, put on a jersey instead of burning more fossil fuel, talk to your family, your friends, your neighbours, walk your dog instead of watching the telly.
I think it is one of the reasons dogs are so intelligent: They do not watch the telly.

More info on www.footprintnetwork.org

Kindest regards from Brunothedoglistener.

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