Sunday, January 15, 2012

As nature intended

Dear friends,

Underneath you can see a picture of Lupa, taken right after sunrise, in Tokai lower park. The rising sun has painted a golden varnish on her brown coat.

Cape Town 15.01.2012

After the walk we had breakfast at Tashas in Constantia Village on the Cape Peninsula. For a change I ordered toast with goat’s cheese, avocado and tomato. While eating we were talking about the possible link between our blood type and the ancient history of humankind. We know that the theory of Peter D’Adamo is not based upon what is called “scientific evidence”, but here I go with a very simplified summary.

When our oldest ancestors were still hunters and gatherers their blood group was O. But as soon as humans became nomads following their cattle on its never ending travels to new feeding grounds, the blood group A came into existence. When our ancestors, in what we now call “the Middle East”, started with a new thing called “agriculture” the blood group B was born. I do not know if author Peter D’Adamo is right with his theory but I certainly do believe that I am what I eat. Here are a few examples.
If I eat bread with cheese before going to bed I definitely have a bad night. When I eat a mix of bananas with prunes and apricots during my early morning walk, I have a feeling of walking with a brick in my stomach for the major part of the day. Visiting a restaurant and having a late dinner with friends means that hereafter I will not sleep well. Let alone what drinking a few cups of coffee (or glasses of wine) would do to my system.
I also believe that, having reached 68 years of age, I can still do long walks and practice martial arts because I love locally grown organic food and have never smoked. It is my opinion that driving a very expensive car is utterly ridiculous but every day I want to have a Rolls Royce in my belly. I want the same for my dogs. I can feed them the cheap S.H.I.T. pellets manufactured by people who hate dogs and love money. Or I can feed them natural, organic food. For a few months I have prepared their fresh raw food myself. I went to the local butcher, mixed the meat with vegetables and rice and served it. But then I found a much more convenient solution, “as nature intended”.
I got to know Cheryl and Chris Davidson from Muizenberg on the Cape Peninsula. Not so long ago they started feeding their dogs and cat a natural raw food and immediately saw the difference in their pets. Talking to friends about the visible changes that occurred with their animals they soon discovered there was a market for this kind of pet food. That was the beginning of a new family owned small business “As nature intended”. To cut a short story even shorter: I do not prepare the meals for our Muensterlaender Lupa anymore. Instead I love driving down the short distance between Wynberg and Muizenberg, have a look at the ocean, feel the wind in my face, buy the pet food from Chris, have a chat with him about their growing business and then I head home after a cup of coffee in Kneads bakery. To give you an idea of the price: One meal costs us 14 Rand, which is about 1,4 Euros. Of course that does not include the price of the cup of coffee in Kneads. But don’t worry if you do not live close to Muizenberg. Chris told me he just bought a new van for deliveries throughout southern Western Cape. And who knows? This might be an idea for a new company on the Costa Blanca! More info on
Kindest regards from Brunothedoglistener

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