Saturday, March 23, 2013

Allergic Dogs

Helping what some people call "allergic dogs" has always given me a lot of satisfaction. According to me these dogs are not allergic, but many times the food they are being offered is making them ill.
What I do with so-called "allergic" dogs is simple: I replace the cheap S.H.I.T. chemical dog-"food" my clients buy in a supermarket with quality natural food and add a combination of Natural Tissue Salts to it. Chances are that a few months later the dog isn't allergic anymore and my clients can stop spending vast sums of money on visits to the vet and on chemical products like antibiotics.

Recently I read the following in a local magazine that is being distributed on the Marina Alta in Spain (Different Magazine issue 64).

"Hydrolyzed protein is commonly recommended by traditional vets for feeding allergic dogs. These diets are supposed to be an alternative to novel protein diets, but I do not recommend them for a number of reasons. 
Hydrolyzed protein diets contain a singular regular protein, let's say chicken, a common allergenic food. Hydrolysis breaks the chicken down into particles so small that, according to research, the protein is no longer recognized by the immune system as an allergen.
The benefit, it seems, is you can still feed your pet the food she is allergic to. The protein molecules have been processed to trick the immune system. I do not see the point in this.
Firstly the body is not being returned to health. It is being tricked into not responding to food it is being allergic to, assuming the hydrolyzed protein behaves as advertised.
Secondly, the methods and chemicals used in the hydrolysis process don't convert protein into amino acids in the same way your pet's body does. No one knows the long-term side effects these unnaturally derived substances may have on your pet.
Soy, also commonly used as a protein source in these diets, is a common allergen for pets and is a poor quality source of protein, in my opinion. It is totally biologically inappropiate for dogs (and cats). On top of that, it is estrogenic, which means it can eventually wreak havoc in your dog's endocrine system. I offer foods with no grains or starches.
Many traditional vets disregard the high amount of carbohydrates in most commercially available hypoallergenic foods, choosing to address skin infections with antibiotics and antifungal drugs instead."

It is my personal experience that dog lovers almost never read the labels of the food they buy for themselves and their pets. Yes, I know that we sometimes need a degree in rocket science in order to understand all the difficult words. But do not worry: the more difficult the words on the labels are the less I trust the food. It is my personal opinion that the industrial food companies do not want to feed us and our pets. They want to make money. Whatever the cost for our planet or our health. The result is that the food we eat is now considered to be the first cause of our illnesses.
And by the way....If your dog is suffering from allergies I am more than willing to help her/him.
Just call me on 690192976 or send a message to

Kindest regards from Brunothedoglistener.

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