Saturday, August 13, 2011

Jackie's dog is gone> wrote:

What a sensible decision Bruno to stop walkies for the time being. The temperatures are terrible for us so imagine what it is like for your four-legged friends who are just as happy at the moment lying under a tree as going for a walk.!

My piece of devastating news this week is that I put my beloved Joshua to sleep on Monday and I have to say that was the worst day of my life and has been since because he was my constant shadow and I feel totally lost without him. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in about January and has managed very well but just recently his breathing was very laboured and he kept getting all sorts of infections for which I went to the vet last Friday. They thought it was a thyroid problem and that is why I was at the vets on Monday but driving there I made the decision to say goodbye because to keep him alive would have been for my benefit and he would have suffered. The vets did say they thought he would only have lasted possibly another 2 weeks with more medication. He was 15 years and 4 months old and I remember the day I collected him from the breeder as if it was yesterday. Not sure if Sabre has noticed he is not here any more - perhaps when he does not get half of Josh's meal to finish! I remember him, with a smile on my face, trying to get him to go round your agility course without a stone in his mouth. I hope he is happy and at peace now.


Dear Jackie,

Thanks for your moving message.
Looking back I do remember how I felt each time when I lost a dog.
I imagine that I can feel your pain.
Allow me to suggest something.
Go into your pain and feel it as deep and as painful as you can.
Feel how it is hurting.
Then let go of your pain.
Think of Joshua and how he has had a long and fabulous life with you. His consciousness is now living in the eternal hunting fields where there is no pain and no suffering.
Life is about change.
Everything in the Universe is continuously changing. While I am writing this thousands of cells in my body are dying and are being replaced by new ones.
As we are all One in the Universe, as we are all energy, as we all have the same minerals in our bodies as there are present in all the planets, I have learned not to linger on in my personal pain caused by past events.
When I think of parents, friends, dogs and other dear ones that have passed away, I feel positive energy. The ones that have gone over feel that positive connectedness too.
Some authors are even saying that what we call "death" can be the most glorious moment of what we call "life".

I invite you to read once more "Closing Cycles" by Paulo Coelho on this blog.

I am also repeating the last sentence of my former letter:

However, if you want to meet for a drink, just call or drop me a line.



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