Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Calm assertive energy on 27.01.2013

Dear friends/Liebe Freunde,

From our friend Carmen I received the following fascinating message.

Guten Abend Bruno
der Walk heute mit John war super, hat mir gut gefallen, sogar das Wetter hat mitgespielt.
Wir waren total 7 Personen.
Denke Du hattest auch einen speziellen Tag.

Persönlich hatte ich jedoch das Gefühl, dass unsere Hunde deine Abwesenheit wahrgenommen haben.
Sie haben versucht zu sehen wo die Grenzen ohne deine Anwesenheit liegen.
Nicht nur mein Hund, hat das *Gehorchen* auf Komando versucht zu ignorieren......*smile*

Mir sind dann deine Worte in den Sinn gekommen *nicht aufgeben*

Ich bin nächsten Sonntag und am 1.2. Auswärts und kann leider erst danach wieder teilnehmen.
Meinem Hund und auch Mir werden diese beiden Ausflüge fehlen.
Lass Alle von mir grüssen

Bis bald, Carmen

Those who have known me for a while will remember that I often talk about "energy". This is exactly what Carmen is writing about.
When I visit clients for the first time, they very often say things like "our dog is behaving differently". My answer is then: "It is because I am here and your dog is sensing my energy".

The same happens with Cesar Millan whose books and newsletters I like reading.
So many times I see the similarities between his experiences and mine.
Just to give you an example I am quoting from one of his newsletters wherein he writes about a powerful experience he witnessed during one of his book signing sessions:

"While I was taking questions from the people who had come to see me, a sudden, very powerful and very real moment intruded. One of the women in the audience broke down and started sobbing. I wasn’t sure what was happening as one of my human pack consoled her. Then, the woman finally said, “I just realized the problem isn’t my dog. It’s me.
You’ve probably heard me say many times that I rehabilitate dogs and I train people, but it is amazing sometimes how long it takes for this simple truth to click with people. If you aren’t providing calm, assertive leadership then your dog will not follow you."

Read the complete newsletter from Cesar Millan on: http://www.cesarsway.com/news-and-events/cesars-blog/It-Isnt-Always-About-the-Dog?utm_source=BlueHornet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Jan13NL_3#ixzz2IdCHZJcb

Here is what our friend John wrote about the walk of last Sunday:

Hi Bruno,

I hope you had a great weekend in spite of the weather.

A small group today just myself, Anna, Carmen, Michelle and her daughter in law, Monica and Fritz. No photos, as we did a repeat of the walk around Xaló where we start beneath the (West) bridge over the river and finish going past your villa. We came back via the road rather than the barranco, as I was concerned about Monica’s knees. I think she will be contacting you about how rough the terrain might be on next Sunday’s walk.

Advance notice: Anna and I will be in England, Sunday 3rd Feb.


Yes John, the trip to Madrid was awesome not only because of the cold and the wind, but also because it is always very nice for me to see all the Spanish friends I have there. More and more schools of martial arts are affiliating with the Zen Okinawa karatedo kobudo of Maestro Miguel Gomez. Why are they doing it? According to me because he is such a great martial artist in domains like karate Shito Ryu after Mabuni, kobudo after Matayoshi, Shiatsu, Kyusho and Chinese medicine. It feels like he is a brother to me.

Me personally, I am really looking forward to the next walk with you all.
My suggestion for Sunday 27.01.2013 is to do a walk in Parcent. We will start from the parking lot of the restaurant called Tra Monti, where we will leave the cars. After the walk we can have a drink or preferably stay for lunch in the restaurant.
If you do not know where that restaurant is, do not worry as I will be waiting for you at 9.45 for 10.00 on the parking lot of the library in Jalon/Xalo. For those who know Tra Monti, you do not have to come to Jalon first, as we will meet you there round about 10.15.

Ich freue mich schon auf den Ausflug von Sonntag 27.01.2013 in Parcent. Unser Spaziergang fangt an auf dem Parkplatz des Restaurants Tra Monti. Nachdem koennen wir dort etwas trinken oder besser noch sogar zusammen etwas essen.
Fals sie nicht wissen wo Tra Monti ist, warte ich auf sie um 9.45 fuer 10.00 bei der Bibliothek in Jalon. Sie brauchen ebenfalls nicht erst nach Jalon zu kommen wenn sie wissen wo Tra Monti sich befindet, weil wir werden da eintreffen um etwa 10.15.

Love and blessings from Bruno

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