A while ago I did post an article about animal telepathy. It motivated several readers to write about their own experiences.
Have a look at a few messages.
Hi Bruno,
I totally agree with the article.
Luna knows when I take her for any walk.
She starts observing me very carefully let's say when I made up
my mind to walk with her within the next. 20 min.
2-3 min before I prepare myself for the walk she already sits exitedly in front of me like trying to say" come on hurry up"
Then she catches whatever shoe of mine carrying it out of the door, drops it on her bed and runs to the gate of the garden.
Best regards
Un saludo cordial
Hello Bruno,
What a fascinating email to read. I can well believe all that has been revealed as we experience the same emotion with our dogs. However, my reason for replying is to share with you a similar tale (not tail!) re one of our dogs. We used to play bridge every week with friends, taking turns in each other's houses. One of our dogs (named Fudge) adored our male friend and they had a special bond between them. They lived 15 minutes away from us and 15 minutes before their arrival when it was our turn to be the hosts, Fudge would go to the front door yelping with excitement and wagging his tail and only stopped when they arrived. How about that then?!!
When I pointed out that non-believers in animal telepathy could say that the dog was simply anticipating, supposing the friends arrived always on the same day and at the same time, this is what Trish replied.....
Hi again Bruno
The only thing I can add to my story is that we had other people come to the house to play bridge, with whom there was no particular bond and we went through the same performance to prepare for THEIR arrival, but no excitement was ever displayed for them by Fudge - "whatever" sort of attitude!!! Regarding regularity of play with the "bonded" friends, it didn't exist - it could be any day of the week (or month) and any time. We always knew if they were running a bit late, thanks to Fudge! He was a Heinz 57 highly intelligent dog with a dozen different expressions in his beautiful eyes. He was full of character and a force not to be reckoned with!!!!
So there you have, you non-believers!!!! What more proof do you want?!
Take care
Trish (and John)
From Jane and Derek, I received the following message......
Dear Bruno,
Every night, our two bitch Dobermans would sit quietly with us on the sofa while we watched television. At 10pm, at the onset of the news, Derek would take them outside for their ablutions before retiring for the night. This generally included a walk to the top of the field, some 400 yards in the dark with the hope of chasing some of the local fox population. If for some reason Derek didn't get up from the sofa straight away at 10pm, then Tasha, our black and tan Dobe would stand in front of the television and make a noise like a banshee to remind him of his 'duty'. At first we thought that it was the theme tune of the news that reminded her of the time, but we discovered that at the weekend when perhaps a film was still on at 10pm, she would still jump up and 'shout' at us in front of the television, blocking the picture, to let us know it was time for her run down the garden.
Well, what do you think? Is this real animal telepathy, or is it just a dog that had grown accustomed to the regularity of an evening walk at a certain time?
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