Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Walk and lunch

Dear friends walking with dogs,

Over the years we have been walking a lot. Some of you have joined me hundreds of times for walks in our beautiful Costa Blanca area. By the way: My Spanish friends never call the area where we walk "Costa Blanca". That is a name which has been invented by an advertising agency working for the local ministry of tourism. For my Spanish friends the region is called "La Marina". The Marina is divided by the Sierra de Bernia in 2 different areas called "La Marina Alta" and "La Marina Baja (or Baixa in Valenciano)".

I am not the kind of person who finds a sense of security in always doing the same, in routine.
For that reason I want to do smething different for this coming Sunday 09.01.2011. My proposal is the following:

We will walk in Campell, located in the Vall de Laguar, and at the end of our walk we will have lunch together in the cosy restaurant restaurant called "La Bruixa" (which is Valencina for La Bruja, which means the Witch in English). The restaurant takes its name from the legend of Esme who is supposed to have lived on the sierra del Caballo Verde, the twin peaked mountain that is overlooking the Vall de Laguar.

We can have lunch in La Bruixa starting from 13.00 hours. The price of the menu is 17€ per person. It is my personal experience that the food is excellent, the service is more than friendly and that the location is beautiful.

What I propose is the following:

- As many friends walking with dogs have never been to Campell, and as these new friends usually tend to say that they cannot find the location, I propose we meet in Murla, on the parking lot of the Trinquet. Murla is the valencian capital of the pilota valenciana and for that sports activity an enormous hall has been built outside the village. Coming from Jalón, Orba,Alcalali or Parcent you will enter Murla village via a short street lined with palm trees; at the end of the street you will see a set of new underground dustbins; behind the dustbins you will turn to the right, following the sign that says Trinquet. At the Trinquet I will wait for you till 11.00.
Then we will drive together to the starting point of our walk. Let us suppose we start walking at 11.30.
- It is an easy walk of only a bit more than an hour, over asphalted roads, but there are some slopes. The good thing about slopes is that when you walk up, you can then walk down a bit later. This is how it will be.
- We will conclude our walk at the restaurant round about 13.00, which is exactly the time when the kitchen opens.

If you bring along some bottles you can fill them up with free and very good water from the Font del Gel which is nearby.


As the restaurant is a small family business I need to know AT THE VERY LATEST this coming FRIDAY 07.01.2011, who is coming for lunch and WITH HOW MANY PERSONS.
Confirm by e-mail please.

I know this is a rather short message. Nevertheless I hope it is clear.

See you on Sunday 09.01.2011


1 comment:

  1. Dear Bruno,

    Thank you very much for organizing all the walks.
    Thank you also for organizing a walk+lunch on Sunday 09.01.2011.

    I will be there my friend.

    But my goodness, I am flabbergasted. This time you have written quite a few mistakes in your invitation. I admit that I cannot find any mistake your Spanish text. Neither in your German text.
    But please make an effort and try to write some decent English.

    Count on me: I will be their, this comming Sounday wif me chien. Lucking fourwoord to mieting jou agin.

