Being in a circle of MKP-Elders from Germany, England and France I could reconnect with the energy of the 4 archetypes. For us who call ourselves the "New Warriors" they are the energies of the Warrior, the Lover, the King and the Magician. Each archetype has its own shadow. If you want to know more about the archetypes go to the website of Robert Moore (
It was refreshing to be able to connect to men who prefer not to speak about the weather, football, cars and other superficial things.
I was able to go through a process that went very deep into the areas where I keep my darkest shadows hidden.The influence of the stream of strong emotions on my body was overwhelming. Meanwhile Béatrice had stayed with German friends and coming back to her on Sunday evening she told me I had a bad breath. Some of you know that I study biochemistry after Dr. Schuessler. Therefore I could recognize my bad breath as a very clear symptom of a sudden deficiency of the Natural Tissue Salt (or mineral) called Kalium Phosphoricum nr 5. Immediately I started taking tablets of this natural mineral combined with Natrium Chloratum nr 8.
If you want to know more about Natural Tissue Salts, have a look at my blog
Where do we walk on Sunday 03.07.2011?
I called Jeni in Oliva and she told me she had been listening to the Vox Populi.
Vox Populi is very easy to understand for English speaking people. It means the voice of the people. Have a look at the Latin word Vox, which gives us voice in English, voix in French, voce in Italian, voz in Spanish and voz in Portuguese. There is a clear link between English and so many other languages, while in my mother tongue Vox Populi is "De stem van het volk". As you can see no link whatsoever, except with the German Die Stimme des Volkes.
OK, what did the Vox Populi of the walking friends said?
"We want to walk in Lliber", it said.
I went to see the owners of the bar located in front of the church in Lliber and Yes they are willing to stay open on the Sunday evening.
Therefore my suggestion goes as follows:
On Sunday 03.07.2011 we meet at the Centre de Salud in Lliber, leave at 19.30, walk during at least 1,5 hour and then have a drink and some tapas in the bar.
I am sending you lots of good energy.
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