Dear friends/Queridas/os amigas/os,
Have received the following message from Sandra who is looking for a dog.
Anybody wants to help her.
See copy of her message underneath.
He recibido un mensaje de Sandra. Su perro está muriendo y por eso Sandra quiere adoptar otro perro/a. ¿Puedes ayudar a Sandra?
Te mando la copia de su mensaje.
Dear Bruno
How could anybody find your messages boring. On the contrary they are interesting and show the way forward for many people.
I have to tell you that my Rottweiler Ruby will not be with me for much longer. She had a large tumour removed from both sides of her throat two weeks ago. The vet said he lasered as much as he could, but he could not get it all, and that it would return, and also go to the lungs. He said she would have two months to live MAYBE.
She had the surgery as I said two weeks ago, and I think it has returned already. She gags a lot, and her breathing is not good. So as I say, I do not think I will have my old friend for very much longer.
The laboratory has confirmed it is a cancer, and a melanoma that is not treatable, even if I wanted to treat it.
In time, do you know of any labradors that need a new home for some reason. I don´t want a dog that is on the dangerous dog list as Ruby´s breed is, but there are a lot of robberies going on on the urbanisation that I live on, and apart from needing a companion (as I don´t know if you remember, my husband died last November) I think even a labrador would be a deterrent. I think the robberies must be due to the recession, and people have no money and no work at the moment. I like labradors I have had a couple in the past, or a retriever. I think I could offer one a good and loving home with me.
Best wishes.
Good luck with finding a dog:) Will keep my ears open...