Three walking musketeers called Jeni, David and Bruno have prepared THREE great walks for you.
Jeni has the impression there are only a few walking friends reading this blog. If that were true it is a real miracle that these few walking readers talk to many other friends, because each Sunday morning we are a walking group of almost 30 dogs with only 2 legs and even more dogs with 4 legs.
While talking (amongst other things)about people who SPOIL their dogs, Jeni took me by the hand and showed me the way to the Oxford Dictionary. As a former Latin teacher I do remember the verb "spoliare" and it means: to plunder. The "spolium" was what the Roman soldiers were allowed to steal in the conquered territories. Sounds great doesn't it?
What is the contemporary meaning of "to spoil"?
I quote from page 1239 in my beloved copy of the Oxford Dictionary:
"1. Plunder, deprive by force or stealth; 2. Impair the qualities of; 3. Injure character indulgence; 4. Maim or kill; 5. Decay, go bad;" (end of quote)
Do the many "nice" dog loving persons who write me and talk to me about how they are spoiling their dogs have any idea what they are really doing?
When I tell them or when I write to them about the negative energy this spoiling generates for their dogs, they often say I KNOOOOOW!!!(Just like John Cleese's wife in Fawlty Towers)By exclaiming I KNOOOOOW they show me clearly how they have trouble dealing with their own issues.
It is my opinion that spoiling a dog (or a child for that matter)is nothing else but cruel.
No animal mother in nature will ever spoil her children.
We do.
So, why is it cruel?
Because if we spoil a dog, it means that we are not offering stability, harmony, leadership, guidance, clear communication and calm assertive energy. To our spoiling the dog can only respond as a dog, meaning that (s)he will get our message and take charge of the human pack (=family). When there is no human leader of the pack, the dog will automatically take the position of the leader. When that happens, the "nice" dog loving persons will start calling their dog a BAD dog or a PROBLEM dog.
The hardest thing for me is to explain to these "nice" dog loving people what they are really doing with their pets.
I am not alone there.
A very famous colleague has the same experience.
Cesar Millan writes on page 84 of his book "Cesar's Way":
"When we humanize dogs, we create a disconnect for them. By humanizing them, we're going to be able to love them the way we would love a human, but we're never going to achieve a deep communion with them. We're never really going to learn to love them for who and what they truly are."
On page 92 of the same book he writes:
"....I understand that people have the best intentions in mind when giving a dog affection first.....But we must...remember that by doing so, we're fulfilling our own need for affection, not the dog's."
Let's go back to what I was asking myself about how a "nice" person spoiling her/his dog is nothing else but cruel for the dog? Because millions of times spoiling a dog leads to what the carers call a BAD dog and bad dogs are being put to sleep.
That's why.
Again I walk back to my beloved and well thumbed Oxford Dictionary and read on page 812 about the origin of the word "nice". Like so many words in English (and in all the other Romance languages like Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese) the word "nice" goes back to the Latin word "nescius". Nescius is related to the Latin verb "nescire" and that verb literally means ne-scrire or NOT-KNOWING, or IGNORING.
Millions of "nice" people are spoiling their dogs to death because they do NOT KNOW what and who a dog really is. In many cases they refuse to accept that a dog is not a human being. I am also sure they do not know a lot about their real true self, neither about how they are abusing their pets for the fulfillment of their own needy love and affection, for soothing their own feelings of lack, for calming their own nerves, for mitigating their own fears, for softening the sense of being disconnected from nature and the universe.
The dogs, unfortunately for themselves, are willing to provide all that for their human carers but the result is that they SUFFER from instability, disharmony, nervousness and stress.
But you know, all that suffering of pets and their ignorant carers can be changed if the humans are willing to learn.
Sometimes I have the privelege of working with dog carers who really want to learn. While teaching them how to behave correctly with their pets, I witness how they discover what calm assertive energy is. How much more confident they start feeling when offering clear guidance to their dogs and how the richness of a more balanced and harmonious life is revealed to them by means of a natural relationship. Not just with their dogs, but also with themselves, their husbands and wives, their friends, neighbours, children and grand children.
It sounds incredible doesn't it?
But it is NOT. It is real.
I have witnessed it many times in people who are willing to learn.
Now the news about the THREE walks.
1. On Sunday 03.04.2011 we will walk in LLIBER, where we will start from the Centre de Salud at 10.00.
2. On Sunday 10.04.2011 we will walk in CAMPELL where I want to show you a new track without tarmac. If you do not know where Campell is we will wait for you till 10.00 at the Trinquet in Murla and drive together to the starting point in Campell.
3. On Sunday 17.04.2011 we will walk again in FONT SALADA, where Jeni will wait for us on the parking lot of Oliva Nova Golf till 10.00 (see information on former blog about Font Salada).
After the walk we will have lunch together. As you can see ladies, we are listening to your requests.
There are 2 lunch possibilities to choose from: meat or no meat.
If you want to walk and eat with us I invite you to get in touch with Jeni who is coordinating everything. Her phone number is 680 781 889.
Un saludo cordial de
who listens to dogs
who learns from dogs and
who leads dogs and
who teaches dog carers who want to learn.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
¿No pasarán o No Quieren?
¿Cual es la semejanza entre Bruno, el alumno de los perros, y la señora Dolores Ibarruri?
Puès, la señora Dolores Ibarruri, que se llamaba "La Pasionaria" con su apodo, no dejába de repetir, como portavoz de los republicanos, que los soldados de Franco "No Pasarán". Desafortunadamente Franco ha podido pasar durante la guerra civil española entre 1936 y 1939. Después, Franco ha continuado a pasar y gobernar hasta su muerte en 1975. Dos años más tarde, en 1977, afortunadamente la señora Dolores, "La Pasionaria" ha podido regresar a su pais y ha sido elegido como representante de su pueblo en el nuevo parlamento democratico español.
Con migo es un poco diferente.
Desde ya dos decadas estoy trabajando con mis profesores, que son los perros. Cada dia ellos me enseñan como debo que comunicar con ellos. Por ejemplo, hoy (el dia 31 de Marzo 2011) estoy solo en casa y repentino mis dos Labradores ladran. Yo abro la puerta y con ellos me voy a averiguar lo que pasa en el jardín. En mi selva privada hay 4 perros abandonados de mi vecino Antonio que, como siempre, están buscando comida. En lugar de tener miedo o de estar enfadado, en lugar de gritar me coge una silla para poder observar con toda tranquilidad la manada. Mis perros se echan en el suelo a mi lado y los 4 visitantes se echan en la sombra al otro lado de la selva que se llama "jardín". No hay ningún conflicto. No hay ningún problema. No hay ningún trauma. Somos 7 perros, 6 perros con 4 patas y solo un perro con 2 patas (=yo)y nos entendemos.
Yo no soy un aficionado tradicional de perros. Yo no soy una persona tradicional emocionalmente inestable, necesitando el amor de mis perros para poder estar feliz.
Mis perros me han enseñado mucho más.
Y como guerrero nuevo del Proyecto de la Humanidad, he podido asimilar las enseñanzas de mis profesores caninos sin suponer que los perros son seres humanos con 4 piernas y mucho más pelo que yo cubriendo su piel.
Lo sé que nuestros perros SON ANIMALES Y SON PERROS, con su sistema de comunicación, con su amor incondicional, con su estabilidad natural, con su sistema de organización social en manadas y con su contacto directo con nuestra Madre la naturaleza.
Y lo sé que nuestra Madre, la naturaleza, jamás ha cometido un error.
Puès, ¿cual es la diferencia entre mi y la señora Dolores Ibarruri?
Hay muchas diferencias, pero hoy quiero hablar de solamente una.
Jamás he dicho No Pasarán, pero despuès de tantos años de observación y de enseñanza he tenido que aceptar que No Quieren.
Estoy hablando de la gran mayoría de los aficionados tradicionales de perros.
Ellos No Quieren.
No Quieren aprender como podrían comunicar con eficacia natural con sus perros.
No Quieren aprender como comportarse como un jefe o un líder de una manada natural.
No Quieren cambiar su comportamiento y actitud, tampoco cuando está claro que éste comportamiento es la causa del sufrimiento de sus mascotas.
Y a veces No Quieren porque no pueden. Y no pueden porque están aprisionado en su cárcel de la falta de conciencia, en la cárcel de la falta de contacto directo con nuestra Madre la naturaleza, en la cárcel de su condicionamiento, en una cárcel de la domesticación humana.
Y por eso, como La Pasionaria ha tenido que aceptar la victoria (temporal) de Franco, yo tengo que aceptar que solo una minoría de los aficionados tradicionales de perros, está dispuesta a abrir su mente, su corazón y su alma por la fuente de la energía asertiva, el río de la tranquilidad, el océano de la estabilidad, la fuerza del liderazgo natural y la curación a través del idioma del Universo que es el silencio.
Y tengo que aceptarlo hasta que desaparece la domesticación humana. Hasta que se instaura la energía universal en cada alma de cada ser vivo de nuestra planeta.
Quizás tengo que esperar hasta que se produce mi mudanza hacia el más allá donde se encuentran los cotos de caza eternos.
Un abrazo de Bruno, el alumno feliz de los perros.
Puès, la señora Dolores Ibarruri, que se llamaba "La Pasionaria" con su apodo, no dejába de repetir, como portavoz de los republicanos, que los soldados de Franco "No Pasarán". Desafortunadamente Franco ha podido pasar durante la guerra civil española entre 1936 y 1939. Después, Franco ha continuado a pasar y gobernar hasta su muerte en 1975. Dos años más tarde, en 1977, afortunadamente la señora Dolores, "La Pasionaria" ha podido regresar a su pais y ha sido elegido como representante de su pueblo en el nuevo parlamento democratico español.
Con migo es un poco diferente.
Desde ya dos decadas estoy trabajando con mis profesores, que son los perros. Cada dia ellos me enseñan como debo que comunicar con ellos. Por ejemplo, hoy (el dia 31 de Marzo 2011) estoy solo en casa y repentino mis dos Labradores ladran. Yo abro la puerta y con ellos me voy a averiguar lo que pasa en el jardín. En mi selva privada hay 4 perros abandonados de mi vecino Antonio que, como siempre, están buscando comida. En lugar de tener miedo o de estar enfadado, en lugar de gritar me coge una silla para poder observar con toda tranquilidad la manada. Mis perros se echan en el suelo a mi lado y los 4 visitantes se echan en la sombra al otro lado de la selva que se llama "jardín". No hay ningún conflicto. No hay ningún problema. No hay ningún trauma. Somos 7 perros, 6 perros con 4 patas y solo un perro con 2 patas (=yo)y nos entendemos.
Yo no soy un aficionado tradicional de perros. Yo no soy una persona tradicional emocionalmente inestable, necesitando el amor de mis perros para poder estar feliz.
Mis perros me han enseñado mucho más.
Y como guerrero nuevo del Proyecto de la Humanidad, he podido asimilar las enseñanzas de mis profesores caninos sin suponer que los perros son seres humanos con 4 piernas y mucho más pelo que yo cubriendo su piel.
Lo sé que nuestros perros SON ANIMALES Y SON PERROS, con su sistema de comunicación, con su amor incondicional, con su estabilidad natural, con su sistema de organización social en manadas y con su contacto directo con nuestra Madre la naturaleza.
Y lo sé que nuestra Madre, la naturaleza, jamás ha cometido un error.
Puès, ¿cual es la diferencia entre mi y la señora Dolores Ibarruri?
Hay muchas diferencias, pero hoy quiero hablar de solamente una.
Jamás he dicho No Pasarán, pero despuès de tantos años de observación y de enseñanza he tenido que aceptar que No Quieren.
Estoy hablando de la gran mayoría de los aficionados tradicionales de perros.
Ellos No Quieren.
No Quieren aprender como podrían comunicar con eficacia natural con sus perros.
No Quieren aprender como comportarse como un jefe o un líder de una manada natural.
No Quieren cambiar su comportamiento y actitud, tampoco cuando está claro que éste comportamiento es la causa del sufrimiento de sus mascotas.
Y a veces No Quieren porque no pueden. Y no pueden porque están aprisionado en su cárcel de la falta de conciencia, en la cárcel de la falta de contacto directo con nuestra Madre la naturaleza, en la cárcel de su condicionamiento, en una cárcel de la domesticación humana.
Y por eso, como La Pasionaria ha tenido que aceptar la victoria (temporal) de Franco, yo tengo que aceptar que solo una minoría de los aficionados tradicionales de perros, está dispuesta a abrir su mente, su corazón y su alma por la fuente de la energía asertiva, el río de la tranquilidad, el océano de la estabilidad, la fuerza del liderazgo natural y la curación a través del idioma del Universo que es el silencio.
Y tengo que aceptarlo hasta que desaparece la domesticación humana. Hasta que se instaura la energía universal en cada alma de cada ser vivo de nuestra planeta.
Quizás tengo que esperar hasta que se produce mi mudanza hacia el más allá donde se encuentran los cotos de caza eternos.
Un abrazo de Bruno, el alumno feliz de los perros.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Chief Seattle, Woodrow Wilson and...
Queridas amigas, queridos amigos, dear friends,
All my life I have loved proverbs, in as many languages as possible, because they keep the wisdom of our ancestors alive.
Besides loving proverbs I love to learn from all wise women and men. In our super-materialistic society I tend to look for the spiritual wisdom of the ones that call themselves (in English) The First People, and other natural communities living close to our mother nature.
Todo la vida he sido un aficionado de proverbios,en todos los idiomas que conosco, porque para mí reflejan la sabiduria de nuestros antepasados. También quiero ser un alumno de todas las mujeres sabias y todos los hombres sabios. En nuestra sociedad super-materialistica puedo encontrar una sabiduría muy profunda emanando de ellos que se llaman El Primer Pueblo, y tambien de otros pueblos antiguos que viven muy cerca de nuestra madre la naturalezza..
" What is a human without the animals?
If all the animals were gone, humans would die from a great loneliness of spirit.
For whatever happens to the animals, also happens to the humans."
I will translate that for my Spanish friends:
"¿Que es un ser humano sin animales?
Si todos los animales desaparecerían, los seres humanos morirían de soledad espiritual. Porque todo lo que sucede para los animales, sucede también para los seres humanos."
Chief Seattle
"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, go home and examine your conscience."
Tradución por mis amigas y amigos Españoles:
"Cuando un perro no quiere acercarse a tí, después de haber echado un vistazo a tu cara, tienes que volver a casa y examinar tu consciencia."
Woodrow Wilson
"In order to really enjoy the company of a dog, we do not have to train them to be semi human.
The point is to open ourselves to the possibility of becoming partly a dog."
"Para poder realmente aprovechar de la compania de un perro, no hay que transformarlo en un semi humano. Es mucho mas importante que nos transformamos parcialmente en perros."
Edward Hoogland
"A dog is NOT "almost human" and I know of no greater insult to the canine race than to describe it as such."
"Un perro NO es casi un ser humano, y describirlo asi es el insulto mas grande para toda la raza canina.
John Holmes
All my life I have loved proverbs, in as many languages as possible, because they keep the wisdom of our ancestors alive.
Besides loving proverbs I love to learn from all wise women and men. In our super-materialistic society I tend to look for the spiritual wisdom of the ones that call themselves (in English) The First People, and other natural communities living close to our mother nature.
Todo la vida he sido un aficionado de proverbios,en todos los idiomas que conosco, porque para mí reflejan la sabiduria de nuestros antepasados. También quiero ser un alumno de todas las mujeres sabias y todos los hombres sabios. En nuestra sociedad super-materialistica puedo encontrar una sabiduría muy profunda emanando de ellos que se llaman El Primer Pueblo, y tambien de otros pueblos antiguos que viven muy cerca de nuestra madre la naturalezza..
" What is a human without the animals?
If all the animals were gone, humans would die from a great loneliness of spirit.
For whatever happens to the animals, also happens to the humans."
I will translate that for my Spanish friends:
"¿Que es un ser humano sin animales?
Si todos los animales desaparecerían, los seres humanos morirían de soledad espiritual. Porque todo lo que sucede para los animales, sucede también para los seres humanos."
Chief Seattle
"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, go home and examine your conscience."
Tradución por mis amigas y amigos Españoles:
"Cuando un perro no quiere acercarse a tí, después de haber echado un vistazo a tu cara, tienes que volver a casa y examinar tu consciencia."
Woodrow Wilson
"In order to really enjoy the company of a dog, we do not have to train them to be semi human.
The point is to open ourselves to the possibility of becoming partly a dog."
"Para poder realmente aprovechar de la compania de un perro, no hay que transformarlo en un semi humano. Es mucho mas importante que nos transformamos parcialmente en perros."
Edward Hoogland
"A dog is NOT "almost human" and I know of no greater insult to the canine race than to describe it as such."
"Un perro NO es casi un ser humano, y describirlo asi es el insulto mas grande para toda la raza canina.
John Holmes
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Mandy Du Plessis about Denial.
Although I have never met her, through my weekly letters I have developed a deep and fulfulling relationship with Many Du Plessis in South Africa. I invite you to read her response to my letter about denial.
Hi Bruno,
I hope to one day be in your position - to receive these gifts from our closest non-human companions.
I have just started a COAPE course - studying dog behaviour, and cannot wait to expand my knowledge!!
Over the months I have read chapters out of Cesar Millan's books, as well as reading other sources on dog behaviour. Whilst each 'theory' on behaviour has it's good points, some also have their bad points - these are the from people who, when faced when 'dangerous' dogs, only tell their clients that they should just be careful and walk their dog in a muzzle (whilst this is safe, it's not a solution to the problem, only the symptom).
I appreciate more and more those who are able to work WITH the dog, as opposed to working over the dog.
We now have 5 dogs on our property (one Boerboel (pet shop Boerboel, unfortunately, but we know better now), one Maltese, one seemingly Staffie/Whippet cross (although she could be ANYTHING) and two Mini Schnauzers. It is such a delight to notice things I had never noticed before - all from making an effort in educating myself.
I can now understand (mostly) why my dogs do the things they do, and whilst I still don't have all the answers for some of their behaviours, I am still amazed when I encounter people who know so much less than I do. I wonder how I ever coped before (maybe shouting/smacking my dogs and then just walking inside and only seeing them again at supper to throw some kibble into their bowl?). I feel ashamed at how I once viewed dogs - as pets, and nothing more.
I am glad to not only learn from 'experts' who teach me about the psychological aspects of canines, but also from the SPIRITUAL people who have taught me to truly appreciate the life in a dog.
Not only are my dogs happier for it, but I am lessed stressed, and I take more joy in waking up and receiving happy snuggles, wagging tails and gentle licks on my arms.
Thank you for your never-ending stories of encouragements and eye-openers!
Peace and Joy to you Bruno
Hi Bruno,
I hope to one day be in your position - to receive these gifts from our closest non-human companions.
I have just started a COAPE course - studying dog behaviour, and cannot wait to expand my knowledge!!
Over the months I have read chapters out of Cesar Millan's books, as well as reading other sources on dog behaviour. Whilst each 'theory' on behaviour has it's good points, some also have their bad points - these are the from people who, when faced when 'dangerous' dogs, only tell their clients that they should just be careful and walk their dog in a muzzle (whilst this is safe, it's not a solution to the problem, only the symptom).
I appreciate more and more those who are able to work WITH the dog, as opposed to working over the dog.
We now have 5 dogs on our property (one Boerboel (pet shop Boerboel, unfortunately, but we know better now), one Maltese, one seemingly Staffie/Whippet cross (although she could be ANYTHING) and two Mini Schnauzers. It is such a delight to notice things I had never noticed before - all from making an effort in educating myself.
I can now understand (mostly) why my dogs do the things they do, and whilst I still don't have all the answers for some of their behaviours, I am still amazed when I encounter people who know so much less than I do. I wonder how I ever coped before (maybe shouting/smacking my dogs and then just walking inside and only seeing them again at supper to throw some kibble into their bowl?). I feel ashamed at how I once viewed dogs - as pets, and nothing more.
I am glad to not only learn from 'experts' who teach me about the psychological aspects of canines, but also from the SPIRITUAL people who have taught me to truly appreciate the life in a dog.
Not only are my dogs happier for it, but I am lessed stressed, and I take more joy in waking up and receiving happy snuggles, wagging tails and gentle licks on my arms.
Thank you for your never-ending stories of encouragements and eye-openers!
Peace and Joy to you Bruno
Monday, March 21, 2011
Orba y orugas (caterpillars) 27.03.2011
Dear friends,
Orugas means caterpillars in Spanish. You did know that already! Do not confound with arugas, because they are something I can see each year more and more in my face. Arugas are wrinkles.
In order to avoid orugas, and maybe also wrinkles(?), this coming Sunday 27.03.2011, we will walk in Orba. We will start at 10.00 from the OLD parking lot at the cemetery.
Alex and Jeni will be taking the lead, as I will be in België/Belgique/Belgica/Belgium for 4 days, visiting my children and grandchildren. Alex told me that in advance she will go to Lee's bar in order to ask the new owners to provide all of us who want a snack, with brown wholemeal bread instead of white sponges.
Jeni has accepted the responsibility for the implementation of the challenging idea from Liz.
Liz talked about the possibility of a new Font Salada walk followed by a (rudimentary)lunch. Tables will have to be booked and lists will have to be made.
Please support Jeni by not waiting for the last minute and by showing up when you told her you would be present. Jeni's email is:
Poisonous caterpillars or orugas
Last Saturday I was invited to a beautiful Equinox and full moon ceremony in La Cupula (The Dome) in Alcalalí. After the ceremony I met a few friends.
Listen to their story.
While working, the husband had crushed a few orugas procesionarias under his feet. Soon after he came home, man and wife noticed that all of a sudden their German Shepherd dog had a hugely swollen, almost square face. As the vet has it's clinic only a block away, they immediately went to see José who diagnosed the dog as having been in touch with the poisonous caterpillars.
Pay attention to the fact that if you step on poisonous caterpillars, the poison will stick to your shoes. If you do not thoroughly clean these shoes you will take the poison home and leave traces of it on the floor of your home. This poison is so strong that if your dog smells or licks these traces(s)he will suffer, because her/his tongue and mouth will swell up. If you do not get her/him to the vet's clinic within 20 minutes your dog might suffocate.
The safest way to deal with the poisonous caterpillars is to burn them.
Queridas/os amigas/os.
1. El domingo que viene, el dia 27.03.2011 haremos una caminata en Orba, donde saldremos de la ANTIGUA zona de aparcamiento del cementerio a las 10.00.
Por éste dia sus guias sarán Alex y Jeni, porque yo me voy a visitar mis hijos y mis nietos en Belgica. Alex tiene la intención de visitar el bar de Lee y de pedir una cantidad de pan integral por el domingo en lugar de las espongas blancas normales.
2. En el tema de una segunda caminata en el Marjal de OLiva, combinado con una comida en el chiringuito de la Font Salada, Jeni ha aceptado la responsabilidad de organizar todo.
Puedes tomar contacto con ella ( para las reservaciones y el menu vegetariano (parillada de verduras)o el menu con carne de la barbacoa.
El sabado 19.03 he asistido a una ceremonia muy linda en la Cupula de Alcalalí, celebrando el equinoccio y la luna llena.
Después de la ceremonia unos amigos me han contado su experiencia con orugas procesionarias.
Durante su trabajo el marido había pisado unas orugas y sin limpiar sus zapatos había vuelto en casa. Un poco más tarde mis amigos han visto la cabeza hinchada de su pastor aleman. ¿Que había pasado? Restos del veneno de las orugas se encontraban pegadas en el suelo de la casa por las cuales su perra había sido envenenada. Afortunadamente la clinica veterinaria de José se encuentra a pocos metros y la vida de la perra ha sido salvada.
Un abrazo de Bruno
Orugas means caterpillars in Spanish. You did know that already! Do not confound with arugas, because they are something I can see each year more and more in my face. Arugas are wrinkles.
In order to avoid orugas, and maybe also wrinkles(?), this coming Sunday 27.03.2011, we will walk in Orba. We will start at 10.00 from the OLD parking lot at the cemetery.
Alex and Jeni will be taking the lead, as I will be in België/Belgique/Belgica/Belgium for 4 days, visiting my children and grandchildren. Alex told me that in advance she will go to Lee's bar in order to ask the new owners to provide all of us who want a snack, with brown wholemeal bread instead of white sponges.
Jeni has accepted the responsibility for the implementation of the challenging idea from Liz.
Liz talked about the possibility of a new Font Salada walk followed by a (rudimentary)lunch. Tables will have to be booked and lists will have to be made.
Please support Jeni by not waiting for the last minute and by showing up when you told her you would be present. Jeni's email is:
Poisonous caterpillars or orugas
Last Saturday I was invited to a beautiful Equinox and full moon ceremony in La Cupula (The Dome) in Alcalalí. After the ceremony I met a few friends.
Listen to their story.
While working, the husband had crushed a few orugas procesionarias under his feet. Soon after he came home, man and wife noticed that all of a sudden their German Shepherd dog had a hugely swollen, almost square face. As the vet has it's clinic only a block away, they immediately went to see José who diagnosed the dog as having been in touch with the poisonous caterpillars.
Pay attention to the fact that if you step on poisonous caterpillars, the poison will stick to your shoes. If you do not thoroughly clean these shoes you will take the poison home and leave traces of it on the floor of your home. This poison is so strong that if your dog smells or licks these traces(s)he will suffer, because her/his tongue and mouth will swell up. If you do not get her/him to the vet's clinic within 20 minutes your dog might suffocate.
The safest way to deal with the poisonous caterpillars is to burn them.
Queridas/os amigas/os.
1. El domingo que viene, el dia 27.03.2011 haremos una caminata en Orba, donde saldremos de la ANTIGUA zona de aparcamiento del cementerio a las 10.00.
Por éste dia sus guias sarán Alex y Jeni, porque yo me voy a visitar mis hijos y mis nietos en Belgica. Alex tiene la intención de visitar el bar de Lee y de pedir una cantidad de pan integral por el domingo en lugar de las espongas blancas normales.
2. En el tema de una segunda caminata en el Marjal de OLiva, combinado con una comida en el chiringuito de la Font Salada, Jeni ha aceptado la responsabilidad de organizar todo.
Puedes tomar contacto con ella ( para las reservaciones y el menu vegetariano (parillada de verduras)o el menu con carne de la barbacoa.
El sabado 19.03 he asistido a una ceremonia muy linda en la Cupula de Alcalalí, celebrando el equinoccio y la luna llena.
Después de la ceremonia unos amigos me han contado su experiencia con orugas procesionarias.
Durante su trabajo el marido había pisado unas orugas y sin limpiar sus zapatos había vuelto en casa. Un poco más tarde mis amigos han visto la cabeza hinchada de su pastor aleman. ¿Que había pasado? Restos del veneno de las orugas se encontraban pegadas en el suelo de la casa por las cuales su perra había sido envenenada. Afortunadamente la clinica veterinaria de José se encuentra a pocos metros y la vida de la perra ha sido salvada.
Un abrazo de Bruno
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I once had a friend called Peter. He was what could be called a jolly good fellow. But he was also an alcoholic. There was an ongoing battle between Peter and his wife. She was constantly hiding bottles of alcohol, but Peter was very good in finding them. He was also good in denial. Whenever he had a bruised nose, arm or leg because he had once more fallen flat on his face, it had never anything to do with the fact he was intoxicated. No it was because there was this rotten carpet, or a loose tile, or a bad staircase that was the cause of his accidents. He was in denial until the very last bottle he drank. Then he fell for the last time and was dead.
But I do not want to talk about junkies who are in denial with their addiction. Today I am writing to you about the denial I see in some of my clients.
Understanding what my dogs tell me, gives me a warm feeling of satisfaction. Noticing how they understand what I want, fills my heart with friendship and love for them.
Have you ever had similar feelings?
When I visit clients, I often experience positive vibrations between myself and their dogs. Strangely enough many clients call their pet a MAD dog. It fills my heart with pure joy when I see how these so-called MAD dogs respond positively to my body language. Often I can notice the asking look in their eyes, telling me clearly:
I Am Not Mad; I Am In A Position Where I Do Not Want To Be. Please Help Me. I Do Not Get The Leadership I Want.
Sometimes the carers of the dog see the changes in their pet a few minutes after my arrival. They might say things like: We have never seen our dog like this with visitors. The process might take a few minutes, or it might take an hour, but without talking to the dog, without touching and without looking at her/him, I am telling this stressed animal:
You do not have to worry anymore. I am in charge now. You can relax.
As soon as the dog gets the message (s)he will become calmer, lie down and then I can wait for something that makes me really happy. That something is a deep sigh I will notice when the dog lies down on her/his side and closes her/his eyes. We now have a relaxed dog. Maybe this dog who was running, jumping, barking and panting just a few minutes ago, can feel relaxed for the first time in years. When this happens I am filled with gratitude for my beloved teachers. As you know, my beloved teachers are dogs. When I imitate the behaviour of a stable pack leader, all dogs recognize the signals and respond to it accordingly. Why would they not respond? I am speaking to them in their language, which is of course body language.
One day I received a magnificent present from a dog that had bitten his carers several times. When I visited my clients, they were eager to show me their wounds. The dog showed me something else. He showed me he was eager to learn and he responded immediately to me. I could do everything I wanted to do with him. Although I had never seen him before it was as if we had known each other for a long time. Unfortunately the clients did not get the same response from their dog, as they had difficulties implementing what I suggested.
A few months later I got an urgent message from the same clients telling me:
We need your help because we do have a big problem with Bobby. During our evening walk we were just standing with Bobby on the lead, when suddenly Bobby decided, as he does quite regularly, to jump up and bite our hands and arms.
Immediately upon entering the home of my clients I felt the dog was asking me urgently for help. While I was looking at him out of the corner of my eye, he was sitting right in front of me. He did not move, but was sitting still like a statue. That moment I felt I could do something unusual with him. I faced the sitting dog, looked in his eyes, while very slowly bending my body forwards. The dog gazed into my eyes for a few seconds, averted his look and lied down.
I was so grateful for the trust he put in me, I could have cuddled him. But I did not do it. I kept my calm assertive energy vibrant in the room and looked at my clients. I saw the surprise on their faces. Here they had a dog that is biting them, while this man who calls himself a dog listener only has to look at their pet in order to make him lie down.
(((I have to warn you here: If you are not a professional, please do not do this with any dog because you might get in serious trouble. What I did was not an innocent game. It was the result of decades of experience and of a deep feeling of understanding between an experienced human and a trusting animal.)))
Back home I did send my clients an email message, adding a list of rules to be observed by them when dealing with their pet.
A few days later they replied how they were doing their best and.... how they were making exceptions to my rules.
I am not going to say I felt like a MAD DOG, but I felt angry and agitated.
These clients have a real dangerous situation at home (Had they forgotten how they had written to me: When we came home from the walk our arms and hands were covered in blood) and nevertheless they are, like Cesar Milan writes, happily paddling down the river of denial.
Denial is a powerful force in human lives. For some of us, our dogs become projections of our own Egos and we see them the way we want to see ourselves. However, until we see ourselves the way we really are, we cannot help our dogs. One of the hardest things for any human being to do is to admit a mistake and change a behaviour. Most clients keep on telling me how nice their dog is and how they adore her/him. At the same time they are blaming their pets for the unresolved issues in their own lives. For me as an observer it is obvious they are avoiding these issues or are unaware of them.
If you are having difficulties with your dog, the first thing to do is take a good, honest look within. The second thing you have to do is to cultivate calm assertive energy.
If clients are not willing to do that, it becomes very difficult for me to help them.
But if you have the courage and the consistency to travel on the road of personal development, there will be very positive changes not only in the life with your dog, but most of all in the life you lead with yourself and with anyone around you.
But I do not want to talk about junkies who are in denial with their addiction. Today I am writing to you about the denial I see in some of my clients.
Understanding what my dogs tell me, gives me a warm feeling of satisfaction. Noticing how they understand what I want, fills my heart with friendship and love for them.
Have you ever had similar feelings?
When I visit clients, I often experience positive vibrations between myself and their dogs. Strangely enough many clients call their pet a MAD dog. It fills my heart with pure joy when I see how these so-called MAD dogs respond positively to my body language. Often I can notice the asking look in their eyes, telling me clearly:
I Am Not Mad; I Am In A Position Where I Do Not Want To Be. Please Help Me. I Do Not Get The Leadership I Want.
Sometimes the carers of the dog see the changes in their pet a few minutes after my arrival. They might say things like: We have never seen our dog like this with visitors. The process might take a few minutes, or it might take an hour, but without talking to the dog, without touching and without looking at her/him, I am telling this stressed animal:
You do not have to worry anymore. I am in charge now. You can relax.
As soon as the dog gets the message (s)he will become calmer, lie down and then I can wait for something that makes me really happy. That something is a deep sigh I will notice when the dog lies down on her/his side and closes her/his eyes. We now have a relaxed dog. Maybe this dog who was running, jumping, barking and panting just a few minutes ago, can feel relaxed for the first time in years. When this happens I am filled with gratitude for my beloved teachers. As you know, my beloved teachers are dogs. When I imitate the behaviour of a stable pack leader, all dogs recognize the signals and respond to it accordingly. Why would they not respond? I am speaking to them in their language, which is of course body language.
One day I received a magnificent present from a dog that had bitten his carers several times. When I visited my clients, they were eager to show me their wounds. The dog showed me something else. He showed me he was eager to learn and he responded immediately to me. I could do everything I wanted to do with him. Although I had never seen him before it was as if we had known each other for a long time. Unfortunately the clients did not get the same response from their dog, as they had difficulties implementing what I suggested.
A few months later I got an urgent message from the same clients telling me:
We need your help because we do have a big problem with Bobby. During our evening walk we were just standing with Bobby on the lead, when suddenly Bobby decided, as he does quite regularly, to jump up and bite our hands and arms.
Immediately upon entering the home of my clients I felt the dog was asking me urgently for help. While I was looking at him out of the corner of my eye, he was sitting right in front of me. He did not move, but was sitting still like a statue. That moment I felt I could do something unusual with him. I faced the sitting dog, looked in his eyes, while very slowly bending my body forwards. The dog gazed into my eyes for a few seconds, averted his look and lied down.
I was so grateful for the trust he put in me, I could have cuddled him. But I did not do it. I kept my calm assertive energy vibrant in the room and looked at my clients. I saw the surprise on their faces. Here they had a dog that is biting them, while this man who calls himself a dog listener only has to look at their pet in order to make him lie down.
(((I have to warn you here: If you are not a professional, please do not do this with any dog because you might get in serious trouble. What I did was not an innocent game. It was the result of decades of experience and of a deep feeling of understanding between an experienced human and a trusting animal.)))
Back home I did send my clients an email message, adding a list of rules to be observed by them when dealing with their pet.
A few days later they replied how they were doing their best and.... how they were making exceptions to my rules.
I am not going to say I felt like a MAD DOG, but I felt angry and agitated.
These clients have a real dangerous situation at home (Had they forgotten how they had written to me: When we came home from the walk our arms and hands were covered in blood) and nevertheless they are, like Cesar Milan writes, happily paddling down the river of denial.
Denial is a powerful force in human lives. For some of us, our dogs become projections of our own Egos and we see them the way we want to see ourselves. However, until we see ourselves the way we really are, we cannot help our dogs. One of the hardest things for any human being to do is to admit a mistake and change a behaviour. Most clients keep on telling me how nice their dog is and how they adore her/him. At the same time they are blaming their pets for the unresolved issues in their own lives. For me as an observer it is obvious they are avoiding these issues or are unaware of them.
If you are having difficulties with your dog, the first thing to do is take a good, honest look within. The second thing you have to do is to cultivate calm assertive energy.
If clients are not willing to do that, it becomes very difficult for me to help them.
But if you have the courage and the consistency to travel on the road of personal development, there will be very positive changes not only in the life with your dog, but most of all in the life you lead with yourself and with anyone around you.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Letter from Sendai
Dear friends/Queridas/os amigas/os,
On the blog of Ode, the online magazine for intelligent optimists I found this beautiful letter from Ann Thomas (written 14.03.2011) who is living in Sendai, the Japanese city that has been wiped off the map by an earthquake and a tsunami.
Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot. Since my shack is even more worthy of that name, I am now staying at a friend's home. We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful.
During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes. People sit in their cars, looking at news on their navigation screens, or line up to get drinking water when a source is open. If someone has water running in their home, they put out a sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.
It's utterly amazingly that where I am there has been no looting, no pushing in lines. People leave their front door open, as it is safer when an earthquake strikes. People keep saying, "Oh, this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another."
Quakes keep coming. Last night they struck about every 15 minutes. Sirens are constant and helicopters pass overhead often.
We got water for a few hours in our homes last night, and now it is for half a day. Electricity came on this afternoon. Gas has not yet come on. But all of this is by area. Some people have these things, others do not. No one has washed for several days. We feel grubby, but there are so much more important concerns than that for us now. I love this peeling away of non-essentials. Living fully on the level of instinct, of intuition, of caring, of what is needed for survival, not just of me, but of the entire group.
There are strange parallel universes happening. Houses a mess in some places, yet then a house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun. People lining up for water and food, and yet a few people out walking their dogs. All happening at the same time.
Other unexpected touches of beauty are first, the silence at night. No cars. No one out on the streets. And the heavens at night are scattered with stars. I usually can see about two, but now the whole sky is filled. The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.
And the Japanese themselves are so wonderful. I come back to my shack to check on it each day, now to send this e-mail since the electricity is on, and I find food and water left in my entranceway. I have no idea from whom, but it is there. Old men in green hats go from door to door checking to see if everyone is OK. People talk to complete strangers asking if they need help. I see no signs of fear. Resignation, yes, but fear or panic, no.
They tell us we can expect aftershocks, and even other major quakes, for another month or more. And we are getting constant tremors, rolls, shaking, rumbling. I am blessed in that I live in a part of Sendai that is a bit elevated, a bit more solid than other parts. So, so far this area is better off than others. Last night my friend's husband came in from the country, bringing food and water. Blessed again.
Somehow at this time I realize from direct experience that there is indeed an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment. And somehow as I experience the events happening now in Japan , I can feel my heart opening very wide. My brother asked me if I felt so small because of all that is happening. I don't. Rather, I feel as part of something happening that much larger than myself. This wave of birthing (worldwide) is hard, and yet magnificent.
Thank you again for your care and Love of me,
With Love in return, to you all,
On the blog of Ode, the online magazine for intelligent optimists I found this beautiful letter from Ann Thomas (written 14.03.2011) who is living in Sendai, the Japanese city that has been wiped off the map by an earthquake and a tsunami.
Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot. Since my shack is even more worthy of that name, I am now staying at a friend's home. We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful.
During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes. People sit in their cars, looking at news on their navigation screens, or line up to get drinking water when a source is open. If someone has water running in their home, they put out a sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.
It's utterly amazingly that where I am there has been no looting, no pushing in lines. People leave their front door open, as it is safer when an earthquake strikes. People keep saying, "Oh, this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another."
Quakes keep coming. Last night they struck about every 15 minutes. Sirens are constant and helicopters pass overhead often.
We got water for a few hours in our homes last night, and now it is for half a day. Electricity came on this afternoon. Gas has not yet come on. But all of this is by area. Some people have these things, others do not. No one has washed for several days. We feel grubby, but there are so much more important concerns than that for us now. I love this peeling away of non-essentials. Living fully on the level of instinct, of intuition, of caring, of what is needed for survival, not just of me, but of the entire group.
There are strange parallel universes happening. Houses a mess in some places, yet then a house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun. People lining up for water and food, and yet a few people out walking their dogs. All happening at the same time.
Other unexpected touches of beauty are first, the silence at night. No cars. No one out on the streets. And the heavens at night are scattered with stars. I usually can see about two, but now the whole sky is filled. The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.
And the Japanese themselves are so wonderful. I come back to my shack to check on it each day, now to send this e-mail since the electricity is on, and I find food and water left in my entranceway. I have no idea from whom, but it is there. Old men in green hats go from door to door checking to see if everyone is OK. People talk to complete strangers asking if they need help. I see no signs of fear. Resignation, yes, but fear or panic, no.
They tell us we can expect aftershocks, and even other major quakes, for another month or more. And we are getting constant tremors, rolls, shaking, rumbling. I am blessed in that I live in a part of Sendai that is a bit elevated, a bit more solid than other parts. So, so far this area is better off than others. Last night my friend's husband came in from the country, bringing food and water. Blessed again.
Somehow at this time I realize from direct experience that there is indeed an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment. And somehow as I experience the events happening now in Japan , I can feel my heart opening very wide. My brother asked me if I felt so small because of all that is happening. I don't. Rather, I feel as part of something happening that much larger than myself. This wave of birthing (worldwide) is hard, and yet magnificent.
Thank you again for your care and Love of me,
With Love in return, to you all,
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Björn Heyerdahl about energy
Dear friends,
While living in South Africa I had the privilege of getting to know personally Björn Heyerdahl. As a young boy I was already addicted to reading books. One of the most important books in my young years was titled "Kon Tiki" and it was written by Thor Heyerdahl. Mayby you already understand. Yes, you've got it: Björn is his grandson.
Since I left South Africa we kept in touch and I invite you to read the text Björn did send me today (15.03.2011).
I strongly believe that the level of awareness and consciousness of many people on our planet is rising. But there are still the billions living an unconscious life, trying to intoxicate themselves with materialism, with acquiring things and more things.
For many years I have been voting for the green parties. That is one thing.
Another thing is that since several years I consume less, drive less, have less clothes, less books, less shoes, less furniture, less every-THING and that I buy my food in the organic shop from Benjamin in Benissa. Consuming less offers me time to walk more, to think more, to feel more, to experience more friendship and love and to have more and more insights into who I really am.
According to me the scaling back of our own materialistic consuming lifestyle is the only answer to the destruction of Mother Earth.
I do not need a Harley Davidson motorcycle or a 4X4 car in order to prove that I am a masculine man. Yes, I can be very passionate about this, like some friends tell me when I am talking to them. But I am not alone to be passionate about this. Come on, now it is time to read what Björn did send to me.
Dear Bruno
The recent earth quake in March 2011 in Japan has settled all argument that Nuclear Power is a safe alternative. The argument against it for the past 20 years or so in political and economic circles has been that it is not economically viable, with the paid scientific minions of the Nuclear industry and politicians desperate to be seen as the providers of the energy to keep the Technosphere growing and expanding, providing assurance after assurance that all measures for the safety of nuclear reactors, even in times of warfare and geological instability, have been taken care of – this lie was stripped away in the hours and days following the disaster in Japan. Man’s illusion of control, dominion and manipulation, the biosphere’s resources, was stripped away with it. Earlier we posed the question of whether humankind would wake up through conscious choice to the context of their life, or whether the natural systems, as part of the impulse towards life would have to truly discipline this petulant adolescent that we have become. It appears that for most, the latter is necessary and the lessons are by no means over.
The vulnerability and co-dependence of all centralised systems of power and control are also illustrated by an initial direct loss of several hundred billion dollars from the Japanese Economy. All things are connected and humans will never create anything but temporary autonomous zones on the living, changing crust of our planet. This thin, but powerful, sphere of life has rules and intelligence, and it will shrug off even the most persistent virus over time. Best we stop behaving like one.
The alternatives for mankind’s energy needs abound everywhere. Alternate centralised systems to fuel the greed and mankind’s egoic need for more are not options worth pursuing for the intelligent. They will of course be left to the short-sighted men in the larvae phase of consciousness, feeding endlessly on the festering wounds of the group suffering and egoic insecurity of partially evolved humankind. Again, solutions cannot be examined intelligently inside the framework of a fundamentally flawed system; and yet we are likely to see exactly that from those who still stand to temporarily benefit from the illusion of political control and economic dominion; as this diseased system groans under the weight of the layers upon layers of fictitious constructs that have been its camouflage since the inception of centralised power and currency.
The argument will again be that the masses of humanity, that are relatively freely handing over responsibility to the political and economic constructs, need this energy from a centralised source and in fact demand it. These needs and the methods to fulfil them truly require a complete re-examination before any decisions are made on how they are best met.
The real solution lies in not needing more energy, in efficiencies and economy in meeting lifestyle requirements; not in more industry, not in more construction, not in expansion of the Technosphere, not in feeding the endless need for more of the immature ego of the masses. Again the raising of consciousness and the awakening of humanity in the spiritual and emotional sense is the primary agent for the solutions we seek.
The chaos and destruction and loss of human life in Japan is not a natural disaster, but the natural result of bad design and the inappropriate clustering of humanity. 66 years after the people of Japan suffered the horror of America dropping nuclear bombs on the populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; they pay the price for their leadership bringing into the hearts of their communities nuclear agents of mass destruction like a giant energetic horse of Troy. We watch as the communities in Europe, The United Kingdom and America look with new eyes at the entire herd of these nuclear horses of Troy dotting their landscape, sold to them in their naivety by their trusted leadership as the solution for clean energy and abundant life.
©Bjorn Heyerdahl 2011 (excerpt of ‘Blue Genes’)
While living in South Africa I had the privilege of getting to know personally Björn Heyerdahl. As a young boy I was already addicted to reading books. One of the most important books in my young years was titled "Kon Tiki" and it was written by Thor Heyerdahl. Mayby you already understand. Yes, you've got it: Björn is his grandson.
Since I left South Africa we kept in touch and I invite you to read the text Björn did send me today (15.03.2011).
I strongly believe that the level of awareness and consciousness of many people on our planet is rising. But there are still the billions living an unconscious life, trying to intoxicate themselves with materialism, with acquiring things and more things.
For many years I have been voting for the green parties. That is one thing.
Another thing is that since several years I consume less, drive less, have less clothes, less books, less shoes, less furniture, less every-THING and that I buy my food in the organic shop from Benjamin in Benissa. Consuming less offers me time to walk more, to think more, to feel more, to experience more friendship and love and to have more and more insights into who I really am.
According to me the scaling back of our own materialistic consuming lifestyle is the only answer to the destruction of Mother Earth.
I do not need a Harley Davidson motorcycle or a 4X4 car in order to prove that I am a masculine man. Yes, I can be very passionate about this, like some friends tell me when I am talking to them. But I am not alone to be passionate about this. Come on, now it is time to read what Björn did send to me.
Dear Bruno
The recent earth quake in March 2011 in Japan has settled all argument that Nuclear Power is a safe alternative. The argument against it for the past 20 years or so in political and economic circles has been that it is not economically viable, with the paid scientific minions of the Nuclear industry and politicians desperate to be seen as the providers of the energy to keep the Technosphere growing and expanding, providing assurance after assurance that all measures for the safety of nuclear reactors, even in times of warfare and geological instability, have been taken care of – this lie was stripped away in the hours and days following the disaster in Japan. Man’s illusion of control, dominion and manipulation, the biosphere’s resources, was stripped away with it. Earlier we posed the question of whether humankind would wake up through conscious choice to the context of their life, or whether the natural systems, as part of the impulse towards life would have to truly discipline this petulant adolescent that we have become. It appears that for most, the latter is necessary and the lessons are by no means over.
The vulnerability and co-dependence of all centralised systems of power and control are also illustrated by an initial direct loss of several hundred billion dollars from the Japanese Economy. All things are connected and humans will never create anything but temporary autonomous zones on the living, changing crust of our planet. This thin, but powerful, sphere of life has rules and intelligence, and it will shrug off even the most persistent virus over time. Best we stop behaving like one.
The alternatives for mankind’s energy needs abound everywhere. Alternate centralised systems to fuel the greed and mankind’s egoic need for more are not options worth pursuing for the intelligent. They will of course be left to the short-sighted men in the larvae phase of consciousness, feeding endlessly on the festering wounds of the group suffering and egoic insecurity of partially evolved humankind. Again, solutions cannot be examined intelligently inside the framework of a fundamentally flawed system; and yet we are likely to see exactly that from those who still stand to temporarily benefit from the illusion of political control and economic dominion; as this diseased system groans under the weight of the layers upon layers of fictitious constructs that have been its camouflage since the inception of centralised power and currency.
The argument will again be that the masses of humanity, that are relatively freely handing over responsibility to the political and economic constructs, need this energy from a centralised source and in fact demand it. These needs and the methods to fulfil them truly require a complete re-examination before any decisions are made on how they are best met.
The real solution lies in not needing more energy, in efficiencies and economy in meeting lifestyle requirements; not in more industry, not in more construction, not in expansion of the Technosphere, not in feeding the endless need for more of the immature ego of the masses. Again the raising of consciousness and the awakening of humanity in the spiritual and emotional sense is the primary agent for the solutions we seek.
The chaos and destruction and loss of human life in Japan is not a natural disaster, but the natural result of bad design and the inappropriate clustering of humanity. 66 years after the people of Japan suffered the horror of America dropping nuclear bombs on the populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; they pay the price for their leadership bringing into the hearts of their communities nuclear agents of mass destruction like a giant energetic horse of Troy. We watch as the communities in Europe, The United Kingdom and America look with new eyes at the entire herd of these nuclear horses of Troy dotting their landscape, sold to them in their naivety by their trusted leadership as the solution for clean energy and abundant life.
©Bjorn Heyerdahl 2011 (excerpt of ‘Blue Genes’)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Casita/House en Francia y Walk in Murla
Dear friends,
My daughter, Veerle Goffin, is a French interior architect or "décoratrice". She has been living in France for two decades and has made quite a career in her field. Like she has done many times before,last year she bought an 18th century ruïn in a beautiful village called "Fons sur Lussan". Veerle has transformed this ruïn into a small paradisiacal home and is now putting it up for sale. For the first time she has made a blog about the house and its location in the South of France.
I invite you to have a look at the pictures on
As there are very few pine trees on this Murla walk, I invite you to join me this coming Sunday 20.03.2011 in Murla, where we will start at 10.00 from the parking lot in front of El Trinquet.
If you have never walked there with me, you will nevertheless be able to find El Trinquet. Entering the village, coming from Jalón, you will see in front of you a set of new dustbins. Behind these dustbins you will see an arrow pointing to the right with the text EL TRINQUET. Murla is the Valencian capital of Pelota Valenciana, something the inhabitants used to play in the streets of the village. A few years ago an enormous concrete building has been constructed outside the village but the Valencian name is still the same : El Trinquet. That is where we meet.
After the walk we will have a drink in the bar of El Trinquet.
See you there
Queridas/os amigas/os
Mi hija, Veerle Goffin es una decoradora en Francia, donde ella ha vivido yá durante dos decadas. Su actividad principal existe en comprar ruinas de casitas historicas y de transformasles en pequeños paradisos. El año pasado Veerle ha comprado una casita del siglo 18 en un pueblocito que se llama "Fons sur Lussan". Trabajando durante un año ella ha transformado la casa ruïnada en una vivienda de sueño. Hoy por hoy la casita se vende y por la primera vez Veerle ha publicado un reportaje sobre su realización en un blog.
Te invito a visitar su blog en
Conosco un paseo en Murla donde no hay casi nungin pino. Por eso saldremos el domingo que viene 20.03.2011 a las 10.00 desde la zona de aparcamiento del Trinquet. Lo sé que todos mis amigas/os saben donde se encuentra El Trinquet en Muuueeerla.
Un abrazo de Bruno
My daughter, Veerle Goffin, is a French interior architect or "décoratrice". She has been living in France for two decades and has made quite a career in her field. Like she has done many times before,last year she bought an 18th century ruïn in a beautiful village called "Fons sur Lussan". Veerle has transformed this ruïn into a small paradisiacal home and is now putting it up for sale. For the first time she has made a blog about the house and its location in the South of France.
I invite you to have a look at the pictures on
As there are very few pine trees on this Murla walk, I invite you to join me this coming Sunday 20.03.2011 in Murla, where we will start at 10.00 from the parking lot in front of El Trinquet.
If you have never walked there with me, you will nevertheless be able to find El Trinquet. Entering the village, coming from Jalón, you will see in front of you a set of new dustbins. Behind these dustbins you will see an arrow pointing to the right with the text EL TRINQUET. Murla is the Valencian capital of Pelota Valenciana, something the inhabitants used to play in the streets of the village. A few years ago an enormous concrete building has been constructed outside the village but the Valencian name is still the same : El Trinquet. That is where we meet.
After the walk we will have a drink in the bar of El Trinquet.
See you there
Queridas/os amigas/os
Mi hija, Veerle Goffin es una decoradora en Francia, donde ella ha vivido yá durante dos decadas. Su actividad principal existe en comprar ruinas de casitas historicas y de transformasles en pequeños paradisos. El año pasado Veerle ha comprado una casita del siglo 18 en un pueblocito que se llama "Fons sur Lussan". Trabajando durante un año ella ha transformado la casa ruïnada en una vivienda de sueño. Hoy por hoy la casita se vende y por la primera vez Veerle ha publicado un reportaje sobre su realización en un blog.
Te invito a visitar su blog en
Conosco un paseo en Murla donde no hay casi nungin pino. Por eso saldremos el domingo que viene 20.03.2011 a las 10.00 desde la zona de aparcamiento del Trinquet. Lo sé que todos mis amigas/os saben donde se encuentra El Trinquet en Muuueeerla.
Un abrazo de Bruno
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Dog food - Piensos
A while ago I was buying a bag of dog food for my loyal Labradors and while waiting in the queue a woman behind me asked if I had a dog.
Sometimes I cannot resist, so on impulse I told her that NO, I did NOT have a dog. But yes, I was starting the Dog Food Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in hospital last time. But the good thing was I had lost 15 kg before I woke up in intensive care with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.
I also told her that the dog food was essentially a perfect diet. The way it works for me, I said, is to load my pockets with dog food nuggets and simply eat one or two every time I feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was certainly going to try it again. At this stage of my story practically everyone in the queue was now enthralled with what I was saying.
Horrified the lady asked me if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me? I told her no, I ended up in hospital because I stepped off the pavement to sniff the bum of a female Labrador and a car hit me.
People behind the lady were now laughing really hard. I will have to be careful with my silly stories in the future. Otherwise people might have a heart attack while laughing.
Un saludo cordial de Bruno
Sometimes I cannot resist, so on impulse I told her that NO, I did NOT have a dog. But yes, I was starting the Dog Food Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in hospital last time. But the good thing was I had lost 15 kg before I woke up in intensive care with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.
I also told her that the dog food was essentially a perfect diet. The way it works for me, I said, is to load my pockets with dog food nuggets and simply eat one or two every time I feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was certainly going to try it again. At this stage of my story practically everyone in the queue was now enthralled with what I was saying.
Horrified the lady asked me if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me? I told her no, I ended up in hospital because I stepped off the pavement to sniff the bum of a female Labrador and a car hit me.
People behind the lady were now laughing really hard. I will have to be careful with my silly stories in the future. Otherwise people might have a heart attack while laughing.
Un saludo cordial de Bruno
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
I am not a plumber
When something has gone wrong in the bathroom, we call the plumber. He arrives, has a look and repairs what did not work. But what have you learned from this plumber? Will you be able to do the repairs yourself in the future?
No you will not.
I am not an electrician.
My father was an electrician. Clients called him when something was not working in their home. Father got in his car, found the cause of the problems and did the repairs for his clients. If an electrician has repaired something in your home, will you be able to do the repairs yourself in the future?
No you will not.
I am not a mechanic.
If something is wrong with your car, you visit the workshop, a mechanic has a look, finds the cause of the problem and fixes your car. Are you now able to fix your car at home in the future?
No you are not.
Let me repeat this again:
I am not a plumber, I am not an electrican and I am not a mechanic, because your dog is not a leaking tap, a faulty fridge or a stalling car.
What am I?
Arriving at the home of a client I always find the cause of the problem.
Finding the cause of the problem is easy.
Teaching the clients how to behave correctly with the dog is another kettle of fish.
Teaching takes time.
Learning takes time. The older we are, the more time it can take.
Fortunately for us, dogs are very fast learners.
Dogs change their behaviour as soon as I have arrived in the home of my clients.
Why is that?
Because I have learned their language. They do not speak with words. They communicate with body language.
As we use the same language, the dog understands me and I understand the dog.
Clients tell me they are unable to call the dog when he is outside and barking at people walking past the fence. As I have ignored the dog since I arrived in the home of my clients, the dog has recognized in me the behaviour of a pack leader. The moment the dog runs out and starts barking, I clap my hands, take on an inviting body posture and a second later I can praise the dog for shutting up and running to me.
Teaching is a magnificent experience, certainly when I am dealing with clients who really want to learn. It is beautiful to see how they become more conscious of what they are doing. It is very satisfactory to notice how this leads to a better understanding between animal and human. Finally I feel very fulfilled if my teaching results in the appearance of a calm assertive behaviour in my clients.
Let me ask you a few questions.
What kind of (foreign) language did you ever learn in a few hours?
Not even your mother tongue.
What kind of important activity in life, like walking, swimming, riding a bicyle or driving a car did you learn in a few hours?
Do you think it is possible to learn everything you need to know about your dog in two hours?
No, that is impossible.
Nevertheless, many clients suppose I will come along and fix their dog, just as if it is a malfunctioning television set.
No. Your dog is not a leaking tap, nor a broken fridge or a stalling car.
Your dog is a magnificent living being and (s)he is the reflection of your own behaviour. (S)he is very straightforward, very clear in her/his communication. (S)he never lies, blames or criticizes. That is why it is really so easy to understand them, if you are willing to be straightforward, honest and use clear communication.
I will teach you all it takes to lead a harmonious life with your pet.
How long will that take?
I cannot answer that question because I do not know how fast you will learn.
But I can promise you that the problems will disappear and that your quality of life will increase enormously.
Like I have said before: I am not a plumber.
I am a teacher.
Kindest regards from Brunothedoglistener.
No you will not.
I am not an electrician.
My father was an electrician. Clients called him when something was not working in their home. Father got in his car, found the cause of the problems and did the repairs for his clients. If an electrician has repaired something in your home, will you be able to do the repairs yourself in the future?
No you will not.
I am not a mechanic.
If something is wrong with your car, you visit the workshop, a mechanic has a look, finds the cause of the problem and fixes your car. Are you now able to fix your car at home in the future?
No you are not.
Let me repeat this again:
I am not a plumber, I am not an electrican and I am not a mechanic, because your dog is not a leaking tap, a faulty fridge or a stalling car.
What am I?
Arriving at the home of a client I always find the cause of the problem.
Finding the cause of the problem is easy.
Teaching the clients how to behave correctly with the dog is another kettle of fish.
Teaching takes time.
Learning takes time. The older we are, the more time it can take.
Fortunately for us, dogs are very fast learners.
Dogs change their behaviour as soon as I have arrived in the home of my clients.
Why is that?
Because I have learned their language. They do not speak with words. They communicate with body language.
As we use the same language, the dog understands me and I understand the dog.
Clients tell me they are unable to call the dog when he is outside and barking at people walking past the fence. As I have ignored the dog since I arrived in the home of my clients, the dog has recognized in me the behaviour of a pack leader. The moment the dog runs out and starts barking, I clap my hands, take on an inviting body posture and a second later I can praise the dog for shutting up and running to me.
Teaching is a magnificent experience, certainly when I am dealing with clients who really want to learn. It is beautiful to see how they become more conscious of what they are doing. It is very satisfactory to notice how this leads to a better understanding between animal and human. Finally I feel very fulfilled if my teaching results in the appearance of a calm assertive behaviour in my clients.
Let me ask you a few questions.
What kind of (foreign) language did you ever learn in a few hours?
Not even your mother tongue.
What kind of important activity in life, like walking, swimming, riding a bicyle or driving a car did you learn in a few hours?
Do you think it is possible to learn everything you need to know about your dog in two hours?
No, that is impossible.
Nevertheless, many clients suppose I will come along and fix their dog, just as if it is a malfunctioning television set.
No. Your dog is not a leaking tap, nor a broken fridge or a stalling car.
Your dog is a magnificent living being and (s)he is the reflection of your own behaviour. (S)he is very straightforward, very clear in her/his communication. (S)he never lies, blames or criticizes. That is why it is really so easy to understand them, if you are willing to be straightforward, honest and use clear communication.
I will teach you all it takes to lead a harmonious life with your pet.
How long will that take?
I cannot answer that question because I do not know how fast you will learn.
But I can promise you that the problems will disappear and that your quality of life will increase enormously.
Like I have said before: I am not a plumber.
I am a teacher.
Kindest regards from Brunothedoglistener.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Jeni's walk/caminata - Font Salada 13.03.2011
Queridas/os amigas/os,
Dear friends,
This coming Sunday 13.03.2011 we will be following Jeni for a magnificent walk through the marshes of Pego/Oliva. No traffic, no pine trees, no caterpillars, lots of water, a vast parking space, a beautiful bar and terrace and a possiblity to swim in vulcanic tepid water. Ladies bring along the bikinis.
Look what Jeni is writing:
My idea is to meet everyone at the car park across the bridge leading to Oliva Nova Golf Hotel at 10am and take the car convoy over the bridge and around the cami that I found that leads to the Font Salada café bar.
Directions to this car park are as follows:
Take the N332 heading for Oliva, this takes about 15/20 minutes from the Denia turn off.Travel along until you see the ‘Km 208’ signpost, shortly after that you will see on your right hand side a giant golfball on the top of a tall post, there is then a signpost before the bridge for ‘via de servicio y urbanizacion’, this is ‘Km 209’ indicate and turn off to the ‘urbanizacion’. Follow this road a short distance to the first roundabout, there is a carpark in front of the offices of ‘CHG’, I will be waiting there till 10.00 on Sunday 13.03.2011.
Para el domingo que viene (13.03.2011)nuestra amiga Jeni ha preparado para nosotros una caminata magnifica a través el marjal de Pego/Oliva. Haremos una caminata sin trafico, sin orugas y con mucho agua en el rio. Hay un bar con una terraza magnifica, una zona de aparcamiento y una fuente de agua salada que siempre tiene 21 grados. Pués chicas, hay que traer sus bikinis.
¿Pero como podemos encontrar La Font Salada?
Jeni lo ha hecho muy facil para nosotros.
Desde la carretera nacional 332, saliendo de Denia en la dirección de Oliva, hay que buscar el cipo kilométrico 208 y pues verás a mano derecha una columna publicitaria muy alta con una pelota de golf encima. Un poco mas lejos verás el cipo kilométrico 209, un puente y un cartel con el texto Via de servicio y Urbanizacion. Aqui hay que salir de la carretera nacional 332 y seguir adelante hasta la primera rotonda donde verás un parking en frente de las oficinas de una empresa llamada CHG. En este parking Jeni éstara esperando para nosotros A LAS 10.00 de la mañana del dia 13.03.2011.
Un saludo de Jeni y Bruno, el encantador de perros y entrenador de seres humanos.
Kindest regards from Jeni and of course from Brunothedoglistener.
Dear friends,
This coming Sunday 13.03.2011 we will be following Jeni for a magnificent walk through the marshes of Pego/Oliva. No traffic, no pine trees, no caterpillars, lots of water, a vast parking space, a beautiful bar and terrace and a possiblity to swim in vulcanic tepid water. Ladies bring along the bikinis.
Look what Jeni is writing:
My idea is to meet everyone at the car park across the bridge leading to Oliva Nova Golf Hotel at 10am and take the car convoy over the bridge and around the cami that I found that leads to the Font Salada café bar.
Directions to this car park are as follows:
Take the N332 heading for Oliva, this takes about 15/20 minutes from the Denia turn off.Travel along until you see the ‘Km 208’ signpost, shortly after that you will see on your right hand side a giant golfball on the top of a tall post, there is then a signpost before the bridge for ‘via de servicio y urbanizacion’, this is ‘Km 209’ indicate and turn off to the ‘urbanizacion’. Follow this road a short distance to the first roundabout, there is a carpark in front of the offices of ‘CHG’, I will be waiting there till 10.00 on Sunday 13.03.2011.
Para el domingo que viene (13.03.2011)nuestra amiga Jeni ha preparado para nosotros una caminata magnifica a través el marjal de Pego/Oliva. Haremos una caminata sin trafico, sin orugas y con mucho agua en el rio. Hay un bar con una terraza magnifica, una zona de aparcamiento y una fuente de agua salada que siempre tiene 21 grados. Pués chicas, hay que traer sus bikinis.
¿Pero como podemos encontrar La Font Salada?
Jeni lo ha hecho muy facil para nosotros.
Desde la carretera nacional 332, saliendo de Denia en la dirección de Oliva, hay que buscar el cipo kilométrico 208 y pues verás a mano derecha una columna publicitaria muy alta con una pelota de golf encima. Un poco mas lejos verás el cipo kilométrico 209, un puente y un cartel con el texto Via de servicio y Urbanizacion. Aqui hay que salir de la carretera nacional 332 y seguir adelante hasta la primera rotonda donde verás un parking en frente de las oficinas de una empresa llamada CHG. En este parking Jeni éstara esperando para nosotros A LAS 10.00 de la mañana del dia 13.03.2011.
Un saludo de Jeni y Bruno, el encantador de perros y entrenador de seres humanos.
Kindest regards from Jeni and of course from Brunothedoglistener.
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